The cultural heritage impact assessment studies of Nemport Port Extension Project on the Kyme Antique Settlement located in Aliaga, Izmir has been completed.

The cultural heritage impact assessment studies of West Antalya Airport Project on Phellos Antique Settlement located in Kas, Antalya has been completed.

The training for"PR-8 Cultural Heritage" of Social Risk Management and Social Performance Requirements of EBRD was held on 22.10.2019 at Boğaziçi University Alumni Association.

"Preventive Protection Workshop " will be held between 23rd and 25th of October 2019 in Antalya with the contribution of REGIO Cultural Heritage Management consultancy in Antalya. The workshop is organised with the support of General Directorate of Cultural Assets and Museums, Civil Society Development Association,  Koc University Mediterranean Civilisations Research Centre, ICOMOS National Committee in Turkey, Medeniyet University, Archaeologists Association and Museum Workers Association.

Salvage Excavations and Reconstruction Works of Neonteikhos Ancient City carried out by REGIO within the scope of İzmir Menemen-Aliağa-Çandarlı Motorway Project is in the press.

REGIO met young archaeologists and academics to give a seminar at Eskişehir Anadolu University regarding the conservation of archaeological and cultural heritage in the construction and infrastructure projects in Turkey.

Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage Survey of Kıyıköy was completed by REGİO.

The first of the Archaeology Pool and Raising Future Protectors of Cultural Heritage activity was held on 28.04.2017 with the participation of 30 primary school students. The activity was within the framework of Improving and Monitoring of the Education Quality in Balikesir Project and was sponsored by REGIO. The activity will be repeated on 10.05.2017 and 18.05.2017. It expected that a total of 100 primary and secondary school students will benefit from the activity.

Cultural heritage impact assessment of the North Marmara Motorway has started under EIA studies on 15.01.2017)

Under Gebze-Izmir motorway project, salvage excavations in Ovacık started on 10.11.2016 under the supervision of Kuva-i milliye Museum.

Under TANAP Natural Gas Pipeline Project, salvage excavations in Nemli started on 07.12.2016 under the supervision of Eskişehir Eti Museum.

Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment Studies of Aşağı Kaleköy Dam in Bingöl Solhan was implemented between October - December 2016.

Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment Studies under the EIA of Gökırmak Cupper Mine was implemented between December 2016 - February 2017.

Within the scope of Ankara-Niğde Motorway Project, salvage excavation studies continue in Harhar Deresi Archaeological Site under the supervision of Anatolian Civilization Museum.
Within the scope of Menemen-Aliağa-Çandarlı Motorway Project , archaeological reconstruction studies in Neonteikhos Ancient City  continue under the supervision of İzmir Archaeology Museum.
Archaeological Survey  Phase II Studies of  K.A.CARE Project in Saudi Arabia  will start  soon.
Within the scope of West Antalya Airport Project, archaeological field survey studies started on March 28th, 2019.

REGIO celebrates 10 years in business. Throughout these years, within the scope of pipeline and motorway projects, walkover survey was conducted in a total of 6400 km route with a width of 500 m, 896 archaeological and cultural locations were discovered, all data collected during field survey studies were shared with relevant Museum Directorates and Regional Boards for Conservation of Cultural Assets for completion of their registration. Test pit excavation studies in 35 different projects at 40 different locations and  salvage excavation studies in 24 locations were conducted under the supervision of relevant Museum Directorates. During these studies, 2013 excavation workers in total and 53 experts including Archaeologists, Anthropologists, Art Historians, and GIS Experts were employed.